mercoledì 13 marzo 2013

Presentations of bloggers

We are five students from Anzio, we go to Chris Cappell College. We are Benedetta, Lucilla,Thalia,Sara, and Dayanna.

I'm Benedetta I'm 14 years old and i go to chris cappell college. My bests friends are Lucilla,Thalia,Sara and Dayanna. My favourite singer is Justin Bieber.

 Hi I'm Lucilla, I'm 15 and I love Benedetta, Thalia and Sara. I love listening to music, and My favourite singer is J-AX. I live in Ardea. I'm friendly and a little crazy. This is me! 
 I'm Thalia and I'm 14 .I love football and my favourite football team is ASRoma. My best friends are Lucilla, Sara, Benedetta and Dayanna.

Hi guuuys, I'm Sara, I love horse riding, j-ax and Brrruno Maars! Kisses from Anzio! :D

Hi ladieeees and gentleman! My name is Dayanna, I'm 14, and I love rock 'n roll! 
Elvis Presley is my God! #GODOFMUSICNEVERDIE, I like I love everything that is old. 
Old is swag! Peace and love.